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Contact Details:

Phone: 02 8372 0800

Email: [email protected]

ABN Verified | Search a TradieABN: 29 079 648 918

Business Description:

ICE was founded in September 1997 as an importer and wholesale distributor of the ANVIL brand of commercial counter-top catering equipment. Our aim was to offer the market an economical and reliable alternative to what was being offered by local manufacturers and other importers. Following the growth and success of the ANVIL brand, ICE expanded the range to include other brands of equipment as well as commercial refrigeration. We now offer a comprehensive range of refrigeration including counter-top, freestanding, upright displays, upright storage as well as a range of under-bench models. Our range now also includes ORVED vacuum packing machines and bags, a full range of Hamilton Beach specialty and bar blenders, as well as equipment for the Pizza industry.

Location: Rosebery,

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