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Contact Details:

Phone: 0409936767

Email: [email protected]

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Business Description:

Croker Removals are fast becoming the leading removalists in Canberra. At Croker Removals Pty Ltd, we pride ourselves in satisfying our clients not only in the way we man handle your belongings, but also in maintaining our prices at an affordable cost to suit everybody regardless if you are from a family, or a single unit. Your move is all about “YOU!” we understand its your money your spending so we work with you. You choose your start time on booking day and from there we endeavour to make your move a stress free experience. We put ourselves in your shoes and treat you with utmost respect as well as your belongings. With a 100% non breakage reputation, we move swiftly and promptly to look after not only your needs but your goods also.

Tagged: Removalists,
Location: Canberra,

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