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Contact Details:

Phone: 1300 329 622

Email: [email protected]

ABN Verified | Search a TradieABN: 96152551589

Business Description:

Trust DAZMAC, Australia’s leading experts in importing cars, boats, and more Importing a car or boat is a complex process that requires hundreds of pages of paperwork, inspections, coordinated services, and oversight. What you really need is an experienced partner who has been through the process before and can walk you through every step of the way. That’s where Dazmac Pty Ltd comes in. Our experienced import managers have more than three decades of experience and we’ve handled all the details for thousands of successful imports since our founding in 2010. We know what paperwork you’ll need, what fees must be paid, which tax documents must be prepared, and how to arrange for reliable, safe transport. We supervise every step of the import process so you can be sure your car or boat will arrive on time, in perfect condition, with no unexpected costs. You’ll find testimonials, links to trusted resources, and lots of information here at our website. We can even help you find a car or boat to purchase and import. Fill out a simple form and 60 seconds later we’ll present a quote for importing and shipping your vehicle. Trust your import to the experienced professionals at DAZMAC. We’ll supervise every step of the process and deliver your vehicle to your door on time, with no delays or surprise charges. That’s the DAZMAC way.

Location: Australia Wide,

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