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Contact Details:

Phone: 0402 334 647

Email: [email protected]

ABN Verified | Search a TradieABN: 58 164 185 406

Business Description:

We deliver exceptional workmanship and value based upon an in-depth knowledge of building techniques, practices, materials and project management. While our years of experience and expertise producing high-end fit outs will always stand us apart, it is our attitude towards every project that makes all the difference. We are genuinely passionate about building and dedicated to what we do. Our own high standards reflect the calibre of projects we are trusted to work upon, such as the esteemed Print Hall and prominent heritage homes. We don’t have a ‘too hard basket’, and believe that shortcutting does nothing but shortchange the client in the long term. The finesse of the finished product is also a reflection of how well a project was managed. We partner closely with you from day one, adopting a specialised project management methodology that monitors and controls every element from commencement to completion. Being accountable and transparent develops lasting, trusting relationships with our clients. Quality: Our incredible eye for detail makes us a natural choice for high-end fit outs Cost: Fair, honest pricing creates repeat business and the greatest value for money in the long term Timing: We work around your deadlines and are flexible to change, making decisions quickly and professionally Communication: Our genuine, transparent communication builds confidence Service: While the word ‘integrity’ gets thrown around a lot, it accurately sums up the approach of our team.

Location: Perth,

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