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Phone: 1300798658

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ABN Verified | Search a TradieABN: 33151551281

Business Description:

Do you feel pain in the neck and back? If you spend most of your work time in a sitting position you probably do. So here is a simple question? Have you ever consider to change your traditional chair with a more advanced and better option such as ergonomic chair? If you haven’t now is the right time to do something good for your body. Investing in an ergonomic chair is an investment in your health so it is more than the worth of considering. Where to buy one? The answer is easy. Visit and you will find a wide range of ergonomic chair models. And that is not all. In our range of products, you can find other ergonomic pieces such as decks, mouses, keyboards, monitors, ergonomic support, laptop ergonomics, a wide array of accessories, etc. We have more than 25 years of experience in this business always striving to offer nothing but the best ergonomic products to our customers. We cooperate with the Rehabilitation consultants and Occupational therapists Australia wide so we can identify the equipment that will assist their clients. For more question, feel free to contact us.

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