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Contact Details:

Phone: 1300694914

Email: [email protected]

ABN Verified | Search a TradieABN: 72 706 931 051

Business Description:

Panda professional cleaners are the best in the business. Why? They know the value of getting it right in the first time, and always deliver a flawless clean. The types of cleaning services provided: Home cleaning Prepare your home for family and friends with our one-time home cleans. Or trial a weekly or fortnightly maintenance schedule, and save with reduced rates. Panda Groupz cleaners bring all cleaning products at no extra cost. Spring cleaning Awaken your house for a new season by booking in a spring clean. An intensive clean which tackles all areas, including skirtings, fixtures, and so much more. This service is perfect for a one time deep clean to get your ready for ongoing maintenance cleaning. End of lease cleaning No more stress! Panda Groupz offers total confidence with our expert ‘bond back cleaning’ teams specialising in exit cleans, and boasting a 100% success rate in getting bonds returned. If your property manager isn’t satisfied, they’ll return free of charge.

Tagged: Cleaning,
Location: St. Albans,

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